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How to Pitch a Website Redesign

How to Pitch a Website Redesign

In any case, it is very feasible to pitch a website makeover without crossing any lines if you take your time and move cautiously. Leads may be converted into customers if you engage them in conversation and provide solid evidence that a site makeover will benefit their business.

In this post, I’ll describe how redesign projects may help your professional development. Following that, we’ll go through four strategies for approaching proposals for web redesigns.

Freelancing has its advantages when it comes to redesigning websites.

The market for clients is heating up as the number of entrepreneurs grows. Sustaining a constant flow of customers may be greatly aided by exploring other channels for mailing out pitches website redesign and obtaining prospects.

One strategy for doing this is to propose revamping the site’s appearance. By including this work in your portfolio, you may show potential employers and clients that you can make significant improvements to websites. Evidence of your abilities may be shown in the “before and after” screenshots and site statistics you’ve collected for sites you’ve improved.

There is no shortage of outdated websites. Most small company websites aren’t optimized for mobile devices, don’t have the most recent information, and are difficult to navigate. If any of the listed websites have offices in your region, you may be able to apply for a pitching redesign position there.

Being careful not to step on somebody’s boots while proposing to Pitch a Website Redesign

Website makeover proposals are more involved than usual. You’ll need to utilize many of the same abilities while communicating with customers about redesigns as you do when discussing brand-new websites. Following the advice below can help you present new designs in a way that impresses you.

1: Make sure you’re equipped and skilled by doing intense studies

Persuading a customer that they are experiencing an issue is occasionally vital to presenting a website redesign. They may be unaware that the website they established over a decade ago looks antiquated and unreliable. To establish they want your assistance. You must be well familiar with their pitching website.

Start by viewing a lead’s website as if you were a user and exploring it completely. You may use this to detect flaws in the service and highlight them to the customer. Get specific about issues you encounter, such as sluggish loading times or unclear navigation, and address them in your pitch.

Think about the client’s goals for the site and how you might assist them in achieving those goals. A website is merely another tool in their toolbox. You may increase the likelihood of winning them by demonstrating how the revamped site will help them solve their company’s particular issues.

You may offer to assist a local company owner to boost their internet shopping by optimizing their website for search engines or simplifying their purchasing procedure, for instance. This proves that a refreshed site may boost earnings, providing a tempting proposition for any business owner.

2: Earmarked your bias and pay attention to the details

Earmarked your bias and pay attention to the details

It’s possible that you’re not a fan of the dominant orange tones in your lead’s present aesthetic. However, pointing this out to them won’t gain their approval. One of the trickiest parts of presenting of pitching a website redesigns is avoiding offending a client’s particular aesthetic preferences. Keeping focused on reality might be useful.

Figures or studies on the beneficial benefits of characteristics like leading to the activation or CTAs may be shown to your client to make your presentation more impartial. Offering clients the ability to make revisions to their work is just one example of a valuable perk that might sway prospects to employ you.

Focusing on areas of the makeover which are not linked to the company’s ideas or likes is a good way to avoid offending them throughout the redesign process. Color space, fonts, and artwork may be adjusted afterward. After establishing rapport with a customer, it becomes much simpler to approach them for business purposes.

3: Describe your advantages rather than the flaws of the preceding developer

Earlier choices in site layout may be simple to point the finger at when issues arise. You could never know whether the choice was taken by your prospective customer or someone else in their organization. They may have built the site themselves or asked their old programmer to provide no longer operational functionality.

Maintain a constructive tone by discussing how you might pitch the website redesign rather than criticizing the previous.

The easiest method to convert a lead into a potential customer is to show them the results of your makeover. A customer is more likely to be persuaded by a focus on how the new site will improve their company rather than a focus on the previous failures.

s designer’s efforts. You may support your cause by highlighting your abilities in interviews and resumes.

You may, for instance, talk about how you successfully increased exchange rates by revamping the site’s structure. You may demonstrate your grasp of web analytics by providing samples from other redesigned websites you’ve contributed. This emphasizes your options rather than the preceding creator’s cluttered interface.

4: Include the website owner in the design and development process to take their preferences into account

Involving the customer in the designing (or modification) phase has indeed been demonstrated to increase contentment, calm nerves, and instill pride in the final product. Overall, you improve the website redesign’s success by catering to the customer’s preferences.

You may get off to a nice beginning on a venture by inquiring about the website’s goals and the most important capabilities to the customer. You’ll get some much-needed focus if you ask yourself these inquiries while working. On top of that, the customer might appreciate being heard when their input is included in the finished version.

Communication with customers is vital at any point in a site builder. Successfully satisfying a customer requires focused attention and the ability to ask pertinent questions to verify that your work meets their expectations.


When a webpage needs updating, it’s a fantastic time for a professional programmer to get new customers and expand their client list. Makeover pitches a website that inspire rather than irritate prospective clients might be hard to pull off, but the additional work will benefit in the long run.

The post has covered a number of the positive aspects of entering the custom web design industry as a contractor. There were also four suggestions made for pitching website redesigns in a way that doesn’t harm your rapport with the lead:

  1. Perform an in-depth investigation so that you may act professionally and with confidence.
  2. Allocate your biases and consider the evidence.
  3. Focus on what you did well rather than what the prior architect did wrong.
  4. Have the site’s proprietor be a part of the website redesign process so their preferences may be included.

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